Grove Cornucopia Painting Tutorial
So the grove has had a brown paper cornucopia kicking around for the past few fall equinoxes. The kind you can buy at craft shops sometimes. This year I took it upon myself to paint it to fancy it up a bit. I had a few bottles of acrylic paints, the kind you can find in dollar stores or craft stores. I think I got them at Michael's and Dollarama. I started by using a base coat of grass green all over the outside. Added a highlight of orange spice on the tops of the ridges. Blended between the two with olive green and highlighted with spun gold trailed over the olive to just add a glimmer of metallic to contrast the matte finish of the other colours. Turned out pretty snazzy. Now it's all ready for the next harvest season.
Albro Lake Park Clean up
This past weekend we were lucky enough to get out for some bubbled and socially distanced park clean up. We headed over to the Albro Lake Park area and had a blast.
Thanks to everyone who made it out, we've missed doing these.
Ár nDraíocht Féin, Grove of Nova Scotia Druids and Isaac Bonewits
We are deeply saddened this day to share the below statement from the Mother Grove of ADF, about our founder – Isaac Bonewits.
In 2018, the late founder of ADF, Isaac Bonewits, was accused of sexually molesting a child. Just recently, allegations have been raised from among our membership that are similar in nature.
The Mother Grove publicly denounces Bonewits’ alleged actions toward children. We cannot and will not abide such actions. Children are our most precious asset, as they represent our future, and we have a sacred duty to protect them from harm, including teaching them about their own soveriegnty. For that reason, we also reaffirm our commitment to creating a culture of consent within ADF. The Mother Grove will work with our Human Services Specialist to create a consistent consent training program.
ADF may have begun as a single tree planted by Isaac, but in the years since, each new member has planted and tended their own tree. Some have chosen to plant a single tree, while others have together planted entire groves. Together, these trees make up the forest of Our Druidry. We stand now together, a forest of trees struggling in the darkness and shadow cast by that first tree.
There comes a time in the life of a grove where such trees must be felled, to allow for the growth and health of those which remain. This is such a time.
To preserve the health of our organization, we must cut out the blight that is Isaac Bonewits’ legacy. We sever the ties both historical and spiritual that bind us to him. For his actions against children, Isaac Bonewits will no longer be named as a beloved ancestor of ADF, nor is he welcome at our sacred fire.
May his memory and his dark actions fade with the rising of the sun.
We pray that those in need of support and healing find that swiftly, members and non-members alike, and remind members that they may reach out to the Members’ Advocate (adf-members-advocate@adf.org) or Human Services Specialist (humanservicespecialist.adf@gmail.com) for support.
The Mother Grove
For those of you who may not know, The Grove of Nova Scotia Druids - is a local Grove/chapter of ADF – an international public pagan “church” dedicated to Druidism. Issac was the founder of our international church - a brilliant academic that laid the foundation for one of the largest organized Neopagan groups today, in a time when Christian dominated societal norms would give us no rights to worship as we choose. BUT Isaac was not alone – we are an organization that is now thousands strong, that has been growing organically for decades, with the dedicated help of hundreds of individuals establishing local and mostly autonomous chapters worldwide. We can not, and should not, try to erase or whitewash the past, but we can and will move forward knowing that we as an organization run solely by volunteers (both internationally and locally) will always do our best to support our faith, our families, and our communities. Unlike the revealed religions such as christianity, the only dogma of our church has always been the Dogma of ArchDruid Fallibility – stating that our leaders are still just people and should never be “worshipped” as perfect or infallible. This is not in any way said to make excuses or brush off criticism for our leaders, but to say we stand firm in the knowledge that the felling of one tree does not ruin the entire forest. While we as a local grove have had no involvement in this decision by the Mother Grove, we put our trust in their hardworking guidance and leadership in these difficult times, and must believe that this decision was not made lightly and was given significant deliberation.
We, as a local grove in Nova Scotia are highly family focused, and have spent a lot of time and effort over the years to carefully craft our bylaws and our codes of conduct. We echo the sentiment that children are both our future and most precious asset, and must be protected to be allowed to be just that – children. We strongly condemn, in no uncertain terms, ANY action that violates the trust and personal sovereignty of children or any vulnerable member of our community. We grieve for both our community and for victims everywhere, and we ask for patience and understanding from both our membership and the wider pagan community to have faith that major discussions around communication, consent culture, and leadership training are happening within our international organization, and have always been a part of our local organization.
Grove leader Milestone
As groups grow and persist milestones are reached. At this year’s AGM we of the Grove of Nova Scotia Druids experienced another exciting first.
Introducing Karen Larter, the Grove of Nova Scotia Druid’s First Female Grove Leader.
Karen has been a member of the Grove of Nova Scotia Druid’s for a decade and an active member of the pagan community for nearly two. She is a Human Resource professional who is working toward her CPHR designation, mother to a lovely little boy and wife to Brian Later.
Karen is excited about her new responsibility and plans to continue with the Grove’s long-term goals as well as continuing to push for further education and creation of resources for those looking to follow the ADF Druid path.
The Grove does The Corn Maze
For the past couple years our Grove likes to hike up our rubber boots; get in the car and drive our sorry city butts to the Riverbreeze Corn Maze. It is always a blast for the kids and some good exercise and fresh air for the old folks.
Here are some lovely pictures of some of the fun we got to have.
Sharing this time with the extended family always renews my connection and recharges my batteries. I am so lucky to have them all in my life <3
The Grove of Nova Scotia Druids and ADF
We are aware of the recent allegations brought forth concerning sexual misconduct by a former ADF Leader, the late Isaac Bonewits and we extend our compassion and care to those affected.
We want to affirm to our community that this type of behavior has no place within GNSD; it is directly opposed to our values; and is, quite simply put, wrong. We abhor any such behavior against any person, whether they are members of GNSD or not.
We understand many in our community are seized by these recent allegations; we are too. If you have suffered harassment or abuse, within our community our without, please know that we support you with compassion and care. We have clergy and leaders available should you wish to speak with someone. [The ADF Human Services Specialist and Member’s Advocate are available to listen and care and are reachable at humanservicesspecialist.adf@adf.org and adf-members-advocate@adf.org respectively.]
GNSD continues to be an open society focused on our family-knit structure. We remain committed to all practices of the ADF such as love and kindness for one another; courtesy and respect in language and actions; and refraining from actions that hurt or damage any person or property. We will be reviewing our own policies to ensure our community continues to grow with compassion and love.
If at any point you wish to speak on this, or any matter, do not hesitate to reach out.
Hosta Fundraiser Sale!
You’re not going to find a deal like this any time soon!
When: Saturday October 21 – 10:00am – 4:00pm
Where: 949 Herring Cove Rd, Halifax
What: Hostas! – Shade loving perennials that are low maintenance, hardy for our NS winters, and easy to grow!
How much?: $15 Each or 3 for $30!!
“Go Green” with the Grove of Nova Scotia Druids this Saturday with our first ever perennial fundraiser! Let’s plant the promise of a greener spring, this fall!
We will be selling mixed Hostas (a classic shade/part-sun perennial plant) for $15 each, or 3 for $30! To be planted in your garden this fall :) Each pot contains 3 different Hosta varieties for a beautiful mix that will add lush texture to your property in many shades of green. Suitable for shady and partly sunny areas, Hostas require no special care and are very long-lived and hardy in our Nova Scotia climate.
Yes, you can safely plant these in the garden now, to come up next spring – and planting instructions will be provided with every purchase (Cash only please) :)
Visit from the Regional Druid
This past weekend, we were graced by a visit from our Regional Druid, Jaime Cadorette-Thifault. She was an absolute delight.
In addition to showing her the local sights (Peggy’s Cove, Fisherman’s Cove, and several watering holes), we were lucky enough to have Jaime for a Welcoming Ritual where the Gods from multiple pantheons were hailed and gifts were exchanged.
It was an honour to play host to such a wonderful (and funny) woman, and we appreciate being included in her tour of the canadian groves.
Imbolc 2017
“Now is the time of stirring, when the earth begins to soften and the waters to flow. While frost still bites and winds blow, and the light is growing stronger, and life begins to wake.“
“Imbolc is the day that we celebrate the passing of Winter and make way for Spring. It is the day we honour the rebirth of the Sun. It is also a day of celebrating the Celtic Goddess Brigid. [...] This is a time for communing with her, and tending the light of her sacred flame. At this time of year, we will light multiple candles or lanterns to remind us of the passing of Winter and the entrance into Spring, the time of the Sun.“
This past weekend, we joined the Pagan Presence Committee in the celebration of Imbolc as part of the 2017 Interfaith Harmony Week, a week which sees groups of multiple and diverse religions, faiths, and spiritualities open their doors to the public, inviting anyone interested in learning about and experiencing various traditions.
The evening opened with our Grove hosting a ritual, and followed with a “meet & greet”, where attendees got to explore a number of pagan tables and ask questions about the different paths and denominations. Snacks (including a chocolate fountain!! —yes, too exciting not to mention) were shared, and wonderful conversations were had. It was a lovely event, and we were pleased to be a part of it.
Happy Imbolc, everyone! <3
(All quotes are excerpts from the evening’s ritual, and photocred goes to Karen.)