Table of Contents:
Article 1: Purpose
Article 2: Offices
Article 3: Governing Documents
Article 4: Calendar
Article 5: Categories of Membership
Article 6: The Voting Members
Article 7: The Annual Meeting
Article 8: Special Meetings & Referenda
Article 9: Elections of Officers and Directors
Article 10: The Senior Druids Council
Article 11: The Grove Organizer
Article 12: The Other Directors
Article 13: Other Standing Committees
Article 14: Grove Dues
Article 15: Rank
Article 16: Discrimination
Article 17: Suspension, Expulsion and Resignation of Members
Article 18: Open Financial Records
Article 19: Amendment and Replacement of Bylaws
Article 20: Non-Profit Nature of the Corporation
1. Grove of Nova Scotia Druids, also known as “GNSD,” is the official structure for a Neopagan Druidic religion based on the beliefs and practices of the ancient Indo - Europeans, adapted to the needs and sensibilities of modern people. We are a non - profit religious, scientific, educational, artistic organization, organized to practice the full spectrum of legal (though not yet legally recognized) activities practiced by any religious organization.
2. As we define it, Neopagan Druidism is a polytheistic, non - dualist, non - sexist, non - racist, scientific, holistic, and ecologically oriented faith. We are dedicated to the preservation of our Mother Earth, the full achievement of human potential, the revival of the worship of the Old Gods in a modern context, and the creation of a world of peace, love, freedom, health, and prosperity for all intelligent beings.
3. The following Bylaws are intended to help us achieve these ideals and all future Bylaws and amendments shall be similarly intended.
Article 1: Purpose
1. To accomplish the goals outlined in the Preamble, The GNSD advocates and practices, as an integral part of our faith, many sciences, arts, and disciplines, both mainstream and alternative, within a non-dogmatic, pluralistic context, in order to effect change in ourselves, each other, and the world around us.
2. Since one of the primary duties of the ancient Druids was to lead their tribes in magical and religious activities, the GNSD advocates and practices, as an integral part of our faith, openand private, inclusionary, and public ceremonies to worship the Earth Mother and the Old Gods and Goddesses, rites of passage to mark the cycles of our lives, and magical rituals to accomplish our other goals in an honest and ethical manner.
3. Since the ancient Druids were the intellectuals of their tribes, the GNSD will research and debate about the ancient Druids, the Indo-Europeans, comparative religion, folklore, ethnomusicology, and every other relevant field of human knowledge.
4. In keeping with our reverence for and worship of the Earth Mother, the GNSD advocates and practices, as an integral part of our faith, ecological and environmental research, education, and activism.
5. Since the ancient Druids were the artists of their tribes, the GNSD advocates and practices, as an integral part of our faith, a wide variety of auditory, graphic, movement, dramatic, liturgical, and other arts.
6. Since the ancient Druids included many healers in their ranks, the GNSD advocates and practices, as an integral part of our faith, the investigation, dissemination, and performance of a wide variety of healing arts and technologies, both mainstream and alternative, including herbal, nutritional, mental, magical, and spiritual methods, among others; advising all parties concerned as to the presence or absence of appropriate credentials as required by law.
7. Since the ancient Druids included diviners in their ranks, the GNSD advocates and practices, as an integral part of our faith, the use of the divinatory arts and sciences as tools for spiritual counseling and liturgical guidance; advising all parties concerned as to the presence or absence of appropriate credentials as required by law.
8. Since the ancient Druids included counselors, mediators, and judges in their ranks, the GNSD advocates and practices, as an integral part of our faith, the investigation, dissemination, and performance of a wide variety of counseling arts and methods, both mainstream and alternative, as well as techniques of mediating disputes and judging conflicts between organizations and/or individuals in the Neopagan community; advising all parties concerned as to the presence or absence of appropriate credentials as required by law.
Article 2: Offices
1. The principal office of the GNSD shall be located in the City of Halifax, in the Province of Nova Scotia, Canada with a fixed address to be determined upon legan registration.
Article 3: Governing Documents
1. The supreme governing document of The Grove of Nova Scotia Druids, are these Bylaws. In the event of a contradiction between any other documents and these Bylaws, the Bylaws take precedence.
2. Duly recognized sub-groups shall establish their own governing documents and policies within the guidelines established by the Grove. Sub-groups are required to operate in accordance with the Bylaws, and any other policy documents established by the Grove. In the event of a contradiction between a sub-groups policy and a Grove established policy, the Grove’s established policy takes precedence as outlined above.
3. In the event of policy conflicts that are not resolved by the above guidelines, the Senior Druid Council and Grove Organizer will make the final determination of GNSD Policy.
Article 4: Calendar
1. The eight High Days of the Druidic calendar, as referenced in these Bylaws and all legal documents of ADF, are as follows:
Samhain, Winter Solstice, Oimelc, Spring Equinox, Beltane, Summer Solstice, Lughnasadh, Fall Equinox.
2. For legal purposes, each High Day shall commence at sunset in Nova Scotia on the days preceding the following dates: Samhain = Nov. 1st, Winter Solstice = Dec. 21st, Oimelc = Feb. 1st, Spring Equinox = March 21st, Beltane = May 1st, Summer Solstice = June 21st, Lughnasadh = Aug. 1st, and Fall Equinox = Sept. 21st.
3. For ceremonial purposes, however, each High Day may be celebrated upon either the legal date, the astronomical date, or upon a date mutually convenient to the participants of the particular celebrations involved.
4. Since the Druidic year traditionally runs from one Samhain to the next, the legal and ceremonial Druidic years shall run according to the legal and ceremonial dates for Samhain described previously in this article.
5. For fiscal reporting and budgeting purposes, the Grove’s financial year will begin on the first day of January and end on the thirty-first day of December in each year. Changes to this financial schedule will require the approval of three-quarters of all Directors of the Grove.
Article 5: Categories of Membership
1. “Full” members of GNSD are those individuals paying an annual amount of dues to be determined by the Grove and Senior Druids Council, and are current members of ADF. If available, Regular members will receive ‘members only’ rates on any Grove publications and onlyFull Member may run for Senior Grove Positions.
2. “Local” members are those individuals paying an annual amount of dues to be determined by the Grove and Senior Druids Council, but are not active members of ADF, but may not run for Senior Druid Council.
3. “Prisoner” members are those individuals currently incarcerated in correctional institutions. They may, upon decision of the Grove Leadership and Ministry members, be entitled to receive all GNSD publications meant for the general membership except publications which the Grove may decide constitute a violation of privacy or risk for the general membership if examined within the prison system. Prisoners may not run for office, except within a local prison-based grove.
4. “Probationary” members are those individuals whom the Grove has decided should receive mailings of the general GNSD publications in order to keep them informed of our activities, and who pay no dues at all. They may not be voting members and may not run for office. They may attend meetings and events for up to six months, before asked to commit. They will be required to attend and activly participate in a minimum of two meetings and one ritual.
4.1 Six month duration may be extended on a case by case basis and subject to the approval of the Senior Druid Council and Guild Organizer.
5. From time to time the Grove may institute other categories of membership, including combinations of categories, and shall define their characteristics as needed.
6. Children under the age of l8 must have the signed and written permission of a parent or guardian, signed in the presence of a Senior Grove member in order to become a member of GNSD
Article 6: The Voting Members
1. “Voting” members, also known as the “members of record,” are those members of GNSD who: a. Belong to one of the dues-paying categories listed in the preceding sections of this article; and in accordance with section 19. b. Are up to date with their GNSD membership dues; c. Are at least 18 years of age; and d. Have not resigned from GNSD lapsed, nor been expelled.
2. Each voting member shall have one vote.
3. Lapsed memberships
a. The passing of more than 90 days from the expiration of membership without renewal shall constitute a discontinuity of membership and cause the loss of all membership privileges, which includes, but is not limited to: the right to stand for election to or hold any office in GNSD, or any of its subgroups; any votes; and access to the GNSD members-only website and members-only electronic forums. Members whose memberships are discontinued for this reason shall be known as “lapsed members.” This loss of privileges is immediate and not contingent on any prior notice to the member from the Grove or any individual officer or director of GNSD, provided the member was duly notified of the due date for his or her renewal at the most recent of either his or her joining or last membership renewal.
b. Any lapsed member who subsequently rejoins GNSD may petition the Grove for reinstatement of lost membership privileges, including votes, as well as any other privileges the lapsed and re-joining member may specifically include in his or her petition. This petition must be made within one year of rejoining. Restoration of privileges by the Grove shall be on a case-by-case basis and shall not be construed to be automatic. The Grove may assign the intake and/or consideration of and ruling upon such a petition to the Senior Druids Council or to the Grove Organizer or to any other agent or agents as the directors may designate.
4. Except as otherwise mentioned in these Bylaws, a quorum for voting purposes shall consist of those voting members representing seventy percent of the total number of Regular members.
5. Proxy votes may be assigned to voting members who are to be present at an annual or special meeting, through the signing of the proxy statements issued by the Grove, and are valid only for the annual or special meeting marked thereon.
6. If election or referendum choices are combined with a proxy statement, the person receiving the proxy must cast those votes given him or her according to any electoral choices marked on the combined ballot/proxy statement. If a given member sending in such a proxy has not made any such electoral choices, the person receiving the proxy may cast those votes according to his or her best judgment.
7. Voting members may attend annual or special meetings via electronic communications devices if such are available.
Article 7: The Annual Meeting
1. The time and location of the annual meeting of the voting members of GNSD shall be determined by the Grove Organizer and Senior Druid council two months prior to the close of spiritual year.
2. There shall be (e)mailed to each voting member at her or his last known address, by first class mail or overseas airmail, at least six weeks prior to the annual meeting, a notice setting out the time and place of the annual meeting, and including a combined proxy  statement and ballot to be signed by those voting members so desiring. Said notice and proxy/ballot may be incorporated into a GNSD newsletter published at the appropriate time, which must be (e)mailed out by first class mail or overseas air.
3. In case a quorum is not present in body or proxy at the annual meeting, those present may adjourn to such a day and time, as a majority shall agree upon. If said day and time is prior to the end of the event which is hosting the annual meeting, verbal notice to those voting members present at the annual meeting shall suffice, and the necessary quorum shall drop to fifty percent of the total membership vote. Otherwise, notice of such adjournment shall be mailed to each voting member of GNSD at least 21 days before said date.
4. Alternately, if a quorum is not present at the annual meeting, those present may decide by majority vote to hold the annual meeting without binding votes upon any subject other than the election of Grove Organizer , or Senior leadership positions, who may be elected as described elsewhere in these Bylaws. If the office of Grove Organizer is up for election at that time, this election shall take place as well, as described elsewhere in these Bylaws.
5. If a quorum is present, elections for all Officer-ships open shall be held as described elsewhere in these Bylaws.
Article 8: Special Meetings & Referenda
1. A special meeting or a referendum of the voting members may be called by the request of a majority of the Dues Paying Members of the Grove, or by a petition representing one-third of the Dues Paying Membership votes. Such a special meeting shall be held sixty to ninety days after the Board meeting at which such request or petition is received, at a location to be selected by the Grove. Notice of such a special meeting, stating its particular purpose, shall be (e)mailed to the voting members as with the annual meeting, including the provision of proxy statements.
2. The Grove may decide to hold a referendum through the mails at any time, and such referendum may be instead of a special meeting, should the topics under consideration lend themselves to such treatment. Ballots for a referendum shall be (e)mailed out with the next issue of the GNSD newsletter, which shall include brief arguments presenting all sides of the topics involved. Sixty days after the issue has been mailed, voting shall be considered to be closed.
Article 9: Elections of Officers and Directors
1. Each year elections shall be held for all open Director positions.
2. Nominations of candidates for open Director positions may be made by any Full Member except for those positions with a specific nomination process defined elsewhere in these Bylaws.
3. Any Full Member of GNSD, may run for election as a Officer or Non-Officer Director, or be selected as a Non-Officer Director. No member my run for more than one Director position in a given election. Any director whose current term extends past the date of the next annual election may not run for any other directorship in that election unless they have submitted prior to the call for nominations for the election a resignation from his or her current elected position effective at the completion of the election. All candidates must have passed their 18th birthdays, have access to E-mail and fulfill the requirements for office listed elsewhere in these Bylaws.
4. The timeline for the elections will be as follows: The Call for Nominations shall be (e)mailed to the membership and posted through GNSD electronic forums on or about July 1. Nominations may be sent to the GNSD Office by postal or electronic mail. All nominations must be received by July 31. The status of nominations will be periodically posted to the membership through GNSD electronic forums. Biographical statements will be due into the GNSD Office by August 1. The Purse Warden will verify the candidates’ membership status. Ballots, biographical statements and proxy statements will be mailed to the membership on or about September 1. Ballots are due at the GNSD Office one month before the Annual Meeting, and no later than October 31. Persons elected to the Grove shall take office at the conclusion of the Annual Meeting.
5. Votes cast for a given Office shall be sufficient to elect an Officer or Grove Organizer or Non-Officer Director.
6. All Directors, whether elected or selected, shall exercise equal powers and responsibilities, save as otherwise noted in these Bylaws.
7. Any Senior member of the Grove, except for a Grove Organizer , may be removed for nonfeasance or malfeasance of office, by a three-quarters vote of the Directors (not counting the subject of such action if he/she be a Director), or by the agreement of the Senior Druids Council of the Grove. No such removal may be made without written notice by (e)mail to the last known address to the subject, giving 30 days to respond. Failure to respond constitutes acceptance of the removal. In an emergency, the Grove
Organizer may suspend an Officer subject to the approval of the Grove and Senior Druid Council, at the next meeting. An elected Grove Organizer may not be removed thusly but may be recalled by the Senior Druids Council, as detailed elsewhere in these Bylaws. The term for each assistant officer shall expire when the officer under which they were appointed resigns or is removed from office.
8. In the case of the death, removal, expulsion, resignation, or permanent incapacitation of any Director or Officer for which replacement procedures are not specifically ascribed elsewhere in these Bylaws, the remaining Directors may elect a qualified voting member to fill the vacated position until the next regular election.
9. All Officers and Non-Officer Directors elected or selected at the annual meeting, including an elected Grove Organizer , shall take office on the next day following the announcement of the election results.
Article 10: The Senior Druids Council
1. The Board of Directors of the Grove shall be known as the “Senior Druids Council” of GNSD. The members of this board shall include all officers of the Grove listed as Directors elsewhere in these Bylaws for legal purposes.
2. The members of the Senior Druids Council may exercise all the duties, responsibilities, and privileges normally held by the Directors of other non-profit religious corporations.
3. The Senior Druids Council shall hold regular meetings at least once between each Solstice and Equinox at the offices of the Grove in Nova Scotia, or at such times and places as they shall appoint. The Senior Druid Council may call special meetings, by giving one day’s notice to each Director.
4. Regular or special meetings of the Board may be held in person, via electronic communications devices, or through the mails. These may include: telephone conference calls, a telephone or postal polling of Board Members by the Senior Druid Council or another Officer at the Senior Druids request, the use of a computer bulletin board, etc.
5. Two-thirds of the Senior Druids Council shall constitute a quorum, less any Directors on Sabbatical or any whose voting privilege has been suspended or who is physically incapable of communicating his or her vote by proxy. Each Director, as such, shall have one vote.
6. The Senior Druids Council shall have the general management of the business and affairs of the Grove.
7. The Senior Druids Council shall exercise all the powers that may be exercised or performed by the Grove under the statutes, and the Bylaws.
8. The Secretary (or Scribe) shall maintain records of decisions made, and items under consideration, by the Senior Druids Council. The Secretary shall also periodically distribute summaries of these records to the membership of GNSD through various media, including but not limited to GNSD printed newsletter and relevant GNSD electronic forums. Any member of GNSD may request these summaries at any time, paying for copying and mailing expenses if applicable.
9. On those occasions when the Senior Druids Council is meeting with a majority of the Directors physically present in one location, such meetings shall be open to attendance by any voting members who may happen to be in the vicinity, unless matters of extreme delicacy or personal privacy may be involved, or in the case of a spiritual retreat being held by the Senior Druids Council. When Senior Druids Council meetings are being held via electronic communications devices, the Senior Druid may invite one or more individuals, whether voting members or not, to attend as guests.
10. Any voting member may, request a position on the agenda of a Senior Druids Council meeting, for the discussion of matters of concern to her or him. If they are an electronic guest or a physical visitor to a Senior Druids Council meeting, said member may then address the Directors on the issues involved.
11. The Board of Directors may, at its discretion, appoint from its number an executive committee of two or more persons, one of whom shall be Grove Organizer . Said executive committee shall be vested with the powers of the Senior Druids Council when the same is not in session.
12. The Senior Druids Council is the supreme authority in the Grove and may, if necessary, overrule the decisions, policies, and practices of all other groups within GNSD, including the Grove Organizer , guilds, councils, special interest groups, and committees. In order to facilitate creativity, communication, and spiritual growth for all members, however, said authority is to be used lightly and rarely.
13. Any Director may pass her/his proxy onto another for a particular meeting for one or more particular issues (but not a general proxy), verifying such in writing to the Secretary (also known as Scribe) within three weeks following the meeting.
14. The Grove Organizer shall be an honorary member of said Council and shall be entitled to attend its meetings, receive copies of its meeting minutes and other publications, etc. She/he shall not have a vote in said Council, however, unless a tie- breaking vote is needed.
15. The Council of Senior Druids shall be responsible for the orderly function and oversight of all Grove activities.
16. The Council of Senior Druids shall at all times, by majority vote hold the power of veto, in all matter impacting on the GNSD, including with regard to the decisions of the Grove Organizer
Article 11: The Grove Organizer
1. The Grove Organizer shall preside at all meetings of the Grove and voting members; shall be a member, whether participating actively or not, of all committees organized by the Grove; shall have normal executive control over the affairs of the Grove; may perform all those other duties that would otherwise be performed by a corporate President; and shall be responsible for articulating the spiritual vision of GNSD. They shall not be considered to be impeccable nor infallible on any topic.
2. The initial Grove Organizer s of GNSD, having been the original Organizers of GNSD, shall serve in perpetuity - i.e., until their death, retirement, or permanent incapacitation.
3. Upon the recall, death, retirement or permanent incapacitation of an elected Grove Organizer the Vice-Grove Organizer shall become the Acting Grove Organizer , and shall exercise all the rights, privileges, and responsibilities of an elected Grove Organizer until the day after the announcement of the election results at the next annual meeting.
4. At said annual meeting, a new Grove Organizer shall be elected by a two-thirds majority of the available votes held by those members participating, with no quorum required. Should no single candidate win a two-thirds approval, the candidate with the lowest total shall be disqualified, and this process shall continue until only one candidate is left or a candidate has won two-thirds of the votes.
5. Any of the following shall be eligible to be a candidate for the office of Grove Organizer : (a) The Acting Grove Organizer ; (b) One person chosen by a majority vote of the Grove; (c) One person chosen by a majority of those members of the Council of Senior Druids; and (d) Any person or persons presenting a nomination petition to the Senior Druids Committee signed by at least fifty percent of voting members of GNSD. There may thus be from one to three or more possible candidates. All candidates for the office of Grove Organizer must be individual voting members of GNSD in good standing, have access to E-mail, announce their willingness to take on the responsibilities of the office, and announce that Neopagan Druidism is their primary religious path.
6. The first Grove Organizer elected in this manner shall take office on the second High Day following that annual meeting; and shall exercise all the rights, privileges, and responsibilities of the initial Senior druid for One year, at which point they must relinquish the office to another chosen in the same manner through an election held at the annual meeting immediately preceding the end of her or his term.
7. The normal term of office for all elected Grove Organizer s shall be one year
8. An elected Grove Organizer may be recalled by a three-quarters vote of all voting members of GNSD, at a special meeting or referendum called for that purpose.
9. An elected Grove Organizer who relinquishes his or her duties to the Vice-Grove Organizer for more than a total of seven months in his or her term shall be deemed to have offered to retire. The Senior Druids Council may accept or decline this offer.
10. Each Grove Organizer who serves at least one full term before retirement may take the title of Grove Organizer Emeritus. This title will permit them to attend and speak, but not vote; at all Board and committee meetings they may choose, and to publish their thoughts in any Grove publication. Any Grove Organizer that serves for three or more years shall with the approval of the Senior Druids Council be allotted a place on the Senior Druids Council.
11. The Grove Organizer shall be a signatory on all GNSD accounts. All checks or financial instruments shall require the signature of both the Grove Organizer and the Purse Warden.
Article 12: The Other Directors
(Please note: Title changes in this section are due to legal requirement for Registry of Joint Stocks)
1. All Officers listed in this Article of the Bylaws will be Directors of the Grove. All requirements for office that follow shall be considered guidelines, not strict requirements.
2. The Secretary (also known as Scribe) shall keep a record of all votes and minutes of the proceedings of all meetings of the Grove and voting members; shall give notice as required in these Bylaws of all meetings; shall send proxy statements and/or mail ballots to all voting members as described in these Bylaws; shall organize all incoming correspondence for reply; and may perform all those other duties that would otherwise be performed by a corporate Secretary. Candidates for the office of Secretary shall have the ability to take minutes and word processing skills, shall have a knowledge of all basic information regarding GNSD history, policies, polytheology, etc.; and shall have access to a computer and E-mail with which to perform their duties. The term of Secretary shall be One Year.
3. The Treasurer (also known as Purse warden) shall be responsible for overseeing GNSD finances, shall be a signatory on GNSD accounts, shall be a voting member of the Grove, and shall approve in advance expenditures in any form, in conjunction with the vote of the Grove Organizer and Senior Druid Council. The Treasurer shall ensure that financial records are updated regularly, shall review and reconcile such records, and shall propose budgets and make regular financial reports to the Senior Druids Council. The Senior Druids Council shall appoint the Treasurer for a two-year term. The term of Treasurer will be One Year.
4. In the event of a departure of an officer from the Grove, as described elsewhere in these Bylaws, any two offices may be temporarily held by one person simultaneously. Such dual officership shall be only until another Director with the proper qualifications shall be available to take over the duties of the departed Officer.
Article 13: Other Standing Committees
1. The Senior Druids Council may create and staff the following committees with such members as may be willing and appropriate: the Finance & Fund Raising Committee, the Publications Committee, the Grove Organizing Committee.
2. Every standing committee shall be headed by a Director, usually an officer with related duties.
3. The Directors may at their discretion create other committees, both standing and ad hoc.
Article 14: Grove Dues
Grove Dues will be evaluated and proposed by the Grove Organizer, Senior Druids Council, and ratified by vote of the membership as described elsewhere in these bylaws. Dues are set currently as follows:
1. Full Members will be required to donate $50.00 annually with a spousal rate of $75.00 Members joining less than Six Months prior to January 1st will pay a prorated fee of $25 per person.
2. Dues paid to grove shall be used for normal Administrative and Legal Operating costs.
Article 15: Rank
1. Within the membership as a whole, rank shall be a function of progress within one or more Druidic Study Programs. All such study programs shall be grounded in the attainment and maintenance of demonstrable knowledge and skills.
2. Since it is envisioned that clergy and other leaders in GNSD will be only a fraction of the total membership, no pressure is to be placed on members to participate in any of the Druidic study programs.
Article 16: Discrimination
1. Membership and rank in GNSD, attendance at public or semipublic GNSD activities, and participation in any Druidic Study Program, shall not be denied to any person on the basis of race, ancestry, colour, physical disability (except as mentioned elsewhere in this article), age, gender, or sexual orientation, but may be denied to individuals practicing creeds inimical to Neopagan Druidism.
2. Membership within the Senior Druids Council, the clergy, and other such positions of responsibility and trust as the Senior Druids Council may determine, shall be granted only to practicing Neopagans who are not simultaneously practicing a creed inimical to Neopagan Druidism.
3. As used herein, “inimical creeds” shall include varieties of conservative monotheism, atheism, demonism, racialism, or other such faiths, as shall be determined by the Senior Druids Council.
4. Proven communication or behaviour of a virulently racist, sexist, homophobic, heterophobic, or otherwise bigoted manner, shall be grounds for expulsion from GNSD, as described elsewhere in these Bylaws. This does not include strong verbal statements about the theology, history, or psychological characteristics of other religions.
5. All organizers of public and semipublic GNSD activities shall make strenuous efforts to facilitate the participation of differently-abled individuals. Nonetheless, all aspirants to any given rank or position must be able to meet all the relevant qualifications previously determined for said rank or position, unless the Senior Druids Council shall rule otherwise in a particular instance.
Article 17: Suspension, Expulsion and Resignation of Members
1. The Senior Druids Council may, by a two-thirds vote, initiate an investigation into a member’s conduct after either that member has confessed to or been found guilty of committing felony crimes-with-victims, as defined by civil law and current criminological opinion, or having been presented with documented evidence of disruptive or abusive conduct which works directly against the aims, activities or welfare GNSD or its members. The member will be immediately sent a written notice by registered mail to their last known address informing the member of the investigation, the accusations, the accusers, and any evidence pertaining to the investigation. The member will be given 30 days to respond in his/her defence. After considering the member’s response, if any, the Senior Druids Council may, by a two-thirds vote, suspend or expel the member.
2. The initial Grove Organizer cannot be suspended or expelled. An elected Grove Organizer can be suspended or expelled, but only after being recalled as described elsewhere in these Bylaws.
3. “Disruptive or abusive conduct” does not include: the temperate expression of disagreement, such as public or private written or verbal criticism of GNSD or its leadership; vigorous debate over matters of scholarship, art, spirituality, or politics; the circulation of petitions to the Senior Druids Council; the organizing of other members into voting blocks; nor mere rudeness, thoughtlessness, or lack of social skills.
4. Disruptive or abusive conduct does include: the spreading of slander or libel against GNSD or its leadership; ADF or its leadership; bigoted communication or behaviour as described elsewhere in these Bylaws; or active efforts to persuade members to quit or to dissuade non-members from joining.
5. Members may resign from membership at any time for personal reasons, and will then be eligible to rejoin GNSD at a later date. Any member whose membership dues lapse for a period of eight months or more shall be deemed to have resigned.
6. Suspended, expelled or resigned members may not hold office or act in any way as representatives of GNSD. Expelled or resigned members have no right to receive GNSD publications, and may not continue to participate in Druidic Study Programs administered by GNSD.
7. Members who have been suspended or expelled may, at the discretion of the Senior Druids Council, be banned permanently or temporarily from attending GNSD activities, including public worship. Such bans shall be published immediately in GNSD publications. They may be published elsewhere in the case of very serious crimes.
Article 18: Open Financial Records
1. All members of GNSD are entitled to see the accounting records.
2. Purse wardens in local groves shall make quarterly financial reports to the Mother Grove, accounting for all income and expenses, and shall make these reports available to local grove members in a similar fashion.
Article 19: Amendment and Replacement of Bylaws
1. Amendments to these Bylaws may be made at any annual or special meeting or referendum, as described elsewhere in these Bylaws, by a two-thirds vote of the entire voting membership; or by a two thirds vote of the Directors at any regular or special meeting of the Senior Druids Council. With the exception that once the Call for Nominations has been issued, the Senior Druids Council may not make any revisions that would change the Officer positions up for election, how the Officers are elected, or any other electoral process until the election is complete.
Article 20: Non-Profit Nature of the Grove
1. No part of the net earnings of the Grove shall inure to the benefit of, or be distributable to, its members, directors, officers, or other private persons, except that the Senior Druids Council shall be authorized and empowered to pay reasonable compensation for services rendered and to make payments and distributions in furtherance of the purposes set forth in the Preamble and Article I of these Bylaws.
2. No substantial part of the activities of the Grove shall be the carrying on of propaganda, and the Grove shall not participate in, or intervene in (including the publishing or distribution of statements) any political campaign on behalf of any candidate for public office.
3. Notwithstanding any other provisions of the Articles of Incorporation or these Bylaws, this Grove shall not, except to an insubstantial degree, engage in any activities or exercise any powers that are not in furtherance of the purposes of this Grove.
4. Upon the dissolution of this Grove, the Senior Druids Council shall, after paying or making provision for the payment of all the liabilities of the Grove, dispose of all the remaining assets in a manner agreed upon by the majority of the Senior Druids Council.