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Samhain ritual in the Commons! - Saturday

24th Annual Samhain Ritual!

This year marks the 25th consecutive year of a Halifax Samhain ritual in the commons! This year of course is very different for everyone so we will be doing our best to keep everyone safe while still acknowledging our place in the world. Due to this, we will be holding two rituals. One Friday evening and another Saturday, both starting at 8 pm and ending roughly at 10pm.

You will find us in the cricket pitch area on the corner of Robie and Quinpool.

1) only 100 people will be allowed to participate per event, anyone outside of this 100 is allowed to watch from outside the circle.

2) Please wear a mask

3) the ritual will abide by social distancing rules. There shall be no dancing or singing by participants.

4) You will be asked to provide a name and phone number to abide by NS covid rules.

5) If you are unable to abide by the rules we will ask you to leave politely

Facebook Event

October 30

Samhain Ritual in the Commons! - Friday

September 19

Mabon Ritual in Point Pleasant Park - Sept 19th