Oath Rite & Evaluation

Oath Ritual

  1. Pre-Phase

    1. Give welcome to all attendees

    2. Set up altar with decorations, God/ess images, candles, offerings, and ritual needs

    3. Well, tree, and fire will be carried in by “Bearers”, and placed in a triad formation, with Fire being at the south.

  1. Initiation of Ritual

    1. Processional of Druids

    2. Chant song on entry – We approach the Sacred grove

  1. Purification

    1. With the incense or smudge burning on the altar druids gather at altar and waif themselves

    2. Small container of salted water on altar all dip fingers and purify themselves

    3. When all in position Lead Druid rings a bell three times

  1. Earth mother / sky father blessing

    1. Earth Mother

“Oh beloved mother of all from, who’s starry womb the green earth springs

You are the bearer of all life. We pray you bless and uphold this rite.”

RESPONSE: (Kneel and kiss earth) So say we all

    1. Sky Father

“Nurturing father of all, who’s breath fills us and sustains our lives. You are both guide and guardian.  We pray you bless and uphold this rite.

RESPONSE: (kiss hands raise arms up) So say we all

  1. Purpose

    1. (LD) In many organizations throughout time, a need to declare yourself has been present. Many of these organizations were based on religious and spiritual beliefs. Within the ADF Dedicant program is the criteria to do so. It asks those that undergo the program to commit themselves to something more. It asks that its Dedicant’s pledge themselves to their patron deities. To formally make a bond with them, strengthening the connection between deity and worshipper.

With this we give thanks to our families, friends, and our brothers and sisters of this grove as Daniel and I take another formal step on our path.

  1. Creating the Cosmos

    1. With the tree, well and fire in a triad the bearers do the following.

      1. Well bearer… with well filled with water, states

I come upon the veil, in love and respect.

This well, our link to the primal waters of life, portal to the under realm.

With silver I beg thee open.

(With arms starting in the downward position, raises them up to point at the altar.)

So say we all

      1. Fire bearer with fire lit, takes the oil and states.

I come upon the veil, in love and respect.

This fire our link to the Gods and Goddesses, portal to the over realm.

With oil I beg the open

(pours oil on fire.. then raises arms to heavens and bring them down to point at the altar.)

So say we all

      1. Tree bearer standing before the tree places the seed ball on a branch and states

I come upon the veil in love and respect.

This tree, our bridge between below and beyond. The road of our passage.

With herbs I beg thee open

(turning to face the others points one arm at fire the other at water and brings them together to point at the altar.)

So say we all

  1. Opening the gates

    1. Lead druid (Both Oath Givers) will address the gate-keeper and beseech him to open the gates through a prayer.

Mighty Cernunnos, our portal opens wide.  We beseech thee gatekeeper to grant us access to the other realm.  Open the way for us in peace and safety.  Guide us to the hidden places.  Protect us on our journey and in our rite. Let the gate be open”

(all bearers will clap hands one on the last words and spread arms, projecting the gate now encompassing everyone.)

RESPONSE: So say we all

  1. Offering to the Out Dwellers

    1. Offering made to the south of the grove

“Ancient dark ones, we make this offering to you, 

You who dwell in the outer dark 

You who stood against the gods 

You twisted and misshapen 

Take this offering and trouble not our working 

Likewise we acknowledge in ourselves 

Weakness and perversity 

Hatred and spite 

Cowardice and ignorance 

And for this sacred time we set them aside 

  1. Inviting the Kindred

Those that were not bearers will now welcome kindred and give offering (3)

    1. Ancestors of family and land – use tobacco as offering and place in fire


We hear your whispered voices speaking words of wisdom into our unconscious minds. Your whispers awaken our dreams, our hearts, and our desires. You who are our ancestors who once walked upon the earth and were part of our shared life eternal, we praise you with all that is sacred in our lives. 

You who planted the seed of knowledge, you who sought inner peace, you who claimed your love for the Gods and Goddesses of old, we give you honour and praise your name. 

RESPONSE: So say we all

    1. Nature spirits of ancestors and country – use corn meal spread on ground


Spirits of land and place, creatures of fur and flesh, and feather… we call to you in respect and peace. Ever welcome and revered, we ask for your guidance and protection. Walk with us now as we cross through the gateway. “

RESPONSE: So say we all

    1. Gods and Goddesses - use mead and pour on ground


Patrons and Patroness hearken to us your children.  We call to you in the other realm in love and respect.  Join us now in our work.  May we know your presence and love.

RESPONSE: So say we all

  1. Key offerings (Oath givers will address their patrons individually)

    1. (Marc) To the Morrigan, triple goddess, Red Queen… Patroness of Sailors. I call out to the other realm and invite you to this time and place. We welcome you to our ritual and rejoice in your presence. My patron Goddess, with this offering I bid thee welcome. (Tobacco into fire)

    1. (Dan) (he chose to do this impromptu)… Puts offering into fire (Jerky)…. Danu offering of the blessed water onto the ground

  1. Prayer of sacrifice

    1. A final offering is made to the fire… incense

    2. The LDs will do this (both – each recites their patrons – and general God Goddess)

“ Morrigan, Danu, Cernunnos __ we offer you this sacrifice, and hope that you find us worthy of your blessings.  Accept this with love and respect.

RESPONSE: So say we all

  1. Omen

    1. Dan comes forth

“Goddesses, Gods, spirits and ancestors with great love we offer our gifts to you.  Please now tell us how they were received.”

    1. An Ogham is drawn and its meaning read. It is placed against the Blessing Cup

  1. Asking for the Blessing

    1. Marc comes forth

“You honour us, and we now ask what may come?”

    1. An Ogham is drawn and its meaning read. It is placed against the Blessing Cup

  1. Hallowing the Blessing

    1. Both come forth and hold the blessing cup aloft

Marc Sips from cup… while Dan reads

Dan… “Our cup is full of the blessings given to us, let it touch the mind, heart, and spirit in each of us.  (Sips)

Marc….. May we the cherished children grow through its bounty.”

    1. Cup should be passed from druid to druid - Each takes the cup, and sips

  1. Affirmation of the blessing

    1. Once all have sipped then a collective grove affirmation (Marc and Dan)

Dan…..We are ever thankful for the gifts we have received.  

Marc…..Let them carry us forward in our rite and in our lives.”

RESPONSE: So say we all

  1. Workings

    1. Daniel comes before the portal –

Lord Cernunnos, you who have been with me since before I started this journey. You who have been patient as I stumbled to find my true spiritual self. I swear to you I will not forget our journey and I will work to honor you. I will strive to develop myself and learn about the land around me, passing that knowledge to others to encourage the respect the land deserves. Lady Danu oh wise one, as I ask for wisdom I swear to you I will work to serve my Grove and my community. I will continue to learn, working to become clergy. I will put my every effort to reach out to all those that need spiritual help, and to help bring the path to our young.

    1. Marc comes before the portal –

The Morrigan… Long ago you came to my life, and a partnership was begun.  You are my ever guide, and teacher.  A part of each day of my life, you watch over and care for not only me, but also my family and friends.  Today I call out to you not in want, but in thanks.  I give thanks for the blessings and teachings you have brought to my life.  I give thanks for your protection not only of me, but also my family and friends.  In your name, and before these our friends and family I pledge myself to you… 

May I always strive to use these tenants to guide my life, and in your service:

To use Wisdom as my guide

To demonstrate Piety in all things

To follow the Vision, mine and the Grove’s

To be Courageous in the face of adversity

To have Integrity in doing what is right

To Persevere though I may wish to surrender

To give Hospitality to all that I meet

To live my life in Moderation, without over-indulgence

To maintain the Fertility of my mind and spirit

To Honour the Ancestors

To Nurture the wounded world around me


To Love and Respect the Gods and Goddesses.

I so swear…

Marc takes his Goddess offering (Mead) and gives it to the fire….

  1. Thanking Beings

    1. Deities of the ritual (Marc and Dan)

Morrigan, Danu, Cernunnos  we thank you for your presence in our rite and on our journey… You are ever welcome in our lives.

RESPONSE: So say we all

    1. Gods and goddesses

Gods and Goddesses, your strength is our strength… we thank you for your presence in our rite and on our journey.  You are ever welcome in our lives.

RESPONSE: So say we all

    1. Nature spirits

Spirits of place, friends of fur and feather, you who dwell in the untamed lands.. we thank you for your presence in our rite and on our journey.  You are ever welcome in our lives.

RESPONSE: So say we all

    1. Ancestors

Ancestors you who inspire and move us forward… we thank you for your presence in our rite and on our journey.  You are ever welcome in our lives.

RESPONSE: So say we all

  1. Close the Gates (Marc and Dan)

    1. Bearers in positions once again. Begin with arms wide.

“Mighty Cernunnos… All that we have done is by your aide. We offer you our thanks.  Now we ask you to let the doors swing closed once more. May the well be water, the tree be tree and the fire only flame.


    1. Guardians will bring hands together in a clap, and allow them to fall to their sides.

  1. Thank the earth mother / sky father

    1. Earth Mother

“Earth Mother… you granted us this life, and we walk in your fertile bounty.  May we always remember to honour your gifts each day.

RESPONSE: So say we all

    1. Sky Father

“Sky father… you sustain our lives and we grow from your inspiration.  May we always remember and honour your gifts each day.

RESPONSE: So say we all

  1. Close the ritual

    1. Lead Druid will ring the bell three times

Dan….. “Our rite is ended.  

Marc….. We thank you all”

Self Evaluation

Originally this ritual was going to be a solitary ritual at home.  But as our grove was growing, and becoming a family in nature, both the participants of this Oath Rite, agreed that it should be the starting point for those that chose to follow.  I am glad to this day that we chose to do so.  To swear your oath in private is one thing… it is personal, and has power.  But to do so in front of your grove, friends and family, I believe this signifies a level of commitment.  We decided to hold this ritual at my home, where we have a small ritual space. It was one of the first rituals we held after moving in.  As mentioned above we included the grove members, but also family and friends.

Doing my oath in front of my wife and young son, made this event even more profound for me.  It signified that this is not a fad, or anything… this is the path I will teach my son.  This is how we will life our lives, and the traditions he will know as he grows.  It will have many challenges.

I chose to do my oath to Morrigan because she is my patroness.  She was the first in my life.  Since the first day I saw her in a shop and could not look away, we have been connected.  She is the triple goddess and patroness of Sailors.  As a member in the Canadian Navy.. we fit together.  From the moment I first lifted her from the shelf, I have always felt that she and I were meant to work together.  I have never had cause to change that view.

As for the oath ritual itself…  I struggled for quite some time as to what would I say, and how would I make this oath.  I had begun to look at my life and it had come to me after a bit of self realization.  I had noted that several bad traits were creeping into my personality.  Now I could blame it on work, or stress, or what have you.  But I wont… they were there because I had somehow allowed them to grow.  The way I deal with strangers, or my relationship with the earth, these among others were things that at the time were becoming very negative.  I honestly wanted these to change.  At the same time I was trying desperately to get back on track with my DP package.  So one night I was reviewing my work on the 9 virtues, and it came to me.  I understood on the surface, what the virtues were telling me.  But in some cases I had lost touch with the meaning behind them.  That now came into clarity as what I needed to do in order to move forward.  So I decided to use them as my affirmation to the goddess.  To work each day to make them a better and stronger part of my life.

So looking back through my work, I sat in front of my altar and had a chat with Morrigan. I stated my intentions to use this as my oath, and I received no negative feelings back or perceived no resistance to the idea.  So I spent a night or two and wrote it up into a script.  

I remember during the ritual, feeling the importance of this event, and feeling completely assured it was the correct time, and place to do it.  When during the ritual we drew the omens in each case they were positive.  “They simply stated you are ready to go forward, new and exciting things await”.  We were elated to have such blessings and affirmations returned to us.  We completed the ritual and managed to do so without forgetting anything.  In the end there was much celebration.  Dan and I put on a small feast for those gathered. We shared our insights about the event, and discussed the omens that were given. Everyone was quite taken with the event, and it sparked a great deal of discussion on the topic of coming of age ceremonies and the lack of them in modern society.  Which we have taken on as a project for the generations that follow.