Making a living as a Druid...

I try to keep up to date with blogs and posts regarding Druidry… it’s mostly our grove does this or here’s a pretty motivational poster… but, as I scrolled though one of the many Druidry groups, I came across the following question: “ Can I make a living as a Druid?”. My first impression was that this is a stupid thing to ask… but I should hear them out.
The post started with a question and was followed up by people’s suggestions for possible career paths: farmer, butcher, crafts person, park ranger, writer or teacher. Some even suggested cultivating a life as a self-sustaining “off the grid” individual. These all seemed like reasonable suggestions, but at the same time I know people who are employed in like careers who are NOT Druids. So where’s the line? Perhaps these career paths will help keep you closer to nature and Druidic Values, but I am not convinced they really addressed the question.

In our Grove, we have a variety of career paths. There is a photographer, a couple of guys in the navy, a chartered accountant, a nurse, an academic, and I am a human resource professional. We each seem to be doing alright…and because we all actively work in these careers, which provide both skills and monetary gains, we are able to provide a certain level of support to each other and our families.

Druidry, like any other religion does have jobs that need doing and choices for employment that are more akin to the overall value system, but, to me, Druidry is more a way of life and not necessarily how you make you financially sustain yourself. It can be hard to do this ethically, but a job does not have to define who you are at your core. You can perform in almost any job and still lead a simple life and remain close to nature. It all has to do with lifestyle choices, values and how you live at home. True, there are some career choices that just flat out do not fall in line with Druid Values, but even so there can be balance.

In modern society, people practically must have money to survive. Contributing and taking from the economy is what drives it’s momentum and allows for progression, such as medical advances and a wider spread of ecologically friendly ways and means. From my perspective —and trust me I am not the only one who views things in this light— by participating as an active member of modern society while following a Druidic Path, I feel as though I am aiding in multiple communities, not just my own. Additionally, as far as I am aware, Druids have never had a policy of living lives of poverty, unlike certain other religions. That said, in Druidry there isn’t really a need to suffer for your faith. Moreover, as a productive and proactive person, you would be better able to contribute to Druidry and its continuation by better educating yourself, procreating future little Druids, and having the means to share this with others who are interested in a Druid way of life.

In the end, I guess the answer is, “YES you can make a living as a Druid!”... in the same way you can make a living while being part of any other community. Do what you do, do [hopefully] what you love and are good at, and the rest will follow.


Mabon Ritual Celebration

