Imbolc activities

​Imbolc Activities to share with your friends and family

Make a Brigid doll:


Brigid dolls are often made of straw and, among other things is the patroness od bards, healing and all things craft-like. Her effigies are hung over doorways to bring about protection and inspiration for the arts. They can be decorated with small dresses and if you are lucky enough to have any greenery or flowers this time of year she can be adorned with those.

photo borrowed from Pinterest. ​hexenwissen

Feasts and Fire:


​Of course, with the days getting longer this is a time to celebrate. Light a fire and have friends and family around for dinner. Choose homemade foods and throw a potluck with seasonal treats.

Spring cleaning:

My personal favourtie. Clean your home! This activity is usually undertaken before Imbolc Eve. Get rid of clutter and clean up with a focus on driving out any negative energy. Scrub all surfaces thoroughly and if you can bare the chill still in the air, open some windows and let the fresh air though the house. Making this practice into a preparation for your ritual can have rewarding results. Have the whole family join in and experience the benefits of a tidy and cleansed home.

Outdoor adventure:


Traditionally, Imbolc was a time to visit sacred waters. Go on a winter hike and find a lovely pond or stream, you can take a moment to meditate on its peaceful nature and bring back fertility to your dreams. If you are comfortable, make contact with the water to fully set your intention to cleanse and purify. You can also use this little venture to thank the local spirits (they must get lonely in the cold) and pick up and trash you might see along the way.

 Imbolc blessings! The sun and goddess return! 




Interfaith 2019 at the UU


Ritual Baths