Grove of Nova Scotia Druids 2020 AGM
Year at a glance
Ritual assignment
Ideas for charity work
By Law change
Dues are due
Pagan Assembly of Nova Scotia
In Attendance
Marc Meadows
Lily Meadows
Karen Larter
Brian Larter
Aldine Koster
Michael Van de Hook
Kaylee Van de Hook
Year at a Glance
First year with a female Senior Druids
Assume House Donation
Recorded Guided Meditations
Started being more active on social media
Welcomed baby Ethan
Continued the debate with ADF over family membership
Participated in Inter Faith by leading the lead Pagan Ritual
Created a loss of unborn children ritual
Hosted all 8 ritual high days
Karen failed at sour dough
Started cider nights at the height of Covid
April created and updated a full new website with updated blog
April did a social distance community Clean up
April drafted grove history time line
May more park clean ups
June Karen started the consent culture program with ADF
June Flowers for the bee
July for Canada day and park clean up
July first ever Druid Fest
Sept community service Feminine hygiene donation
Michael became ADF Treasurer
Marc became Deputy of the SD Council
Brian became Deputy to the RD Council
Brian became Scribe to the SD Council
Ritual Assignment
Yule - Karen
Imbolc - Mike
Ostara - Aldine
Beltane - Dan Negus
Litha - Marc
Lughnasadh - Aldine
Mabon - Bev
Samhain - Marc
Ideas for 2021 Charity work
Park cleanups
Find more suitable charities for our own views
Change from Monthly to Quarterly charity work
By Law change
Article 16, section 4
Proven communication or behaviour of a virulently racist, sexist, homophobic, heterophobic, or otherwise bigoted manner, shall be grounds for expulsion from GNSD, as described elsewhere in these Bylaws. This does not include strong verbal statements about the theology, history, or psychological characteristics of other religions.
I propose should be changed to
GNSD shall not tolerate proven communication or behaviour that displays discrimination on the basis of race, colour, religion (creed), gender, gender expression, age, national origin (ancestry), disability, marital status, sexual orientation, or employment status, in any of its activities or operations. This behaviour shall be grounds for expulsion from GNSD, as described elsewhere in these Bylaws. This does not include strong verbal statements of opinion about the theology, history, or psychological characteristics of other religions.
Dues are due
Family $50
Individual $30
Pagan Assembly of Nova Scotia
Putting Marc Meadows forward for Church spiritual counsel