A Prayer for Ukraine
As we look back upon the prior week in horror at the aggression unleashed on Ukraine, we look to find ways to express our support for the people of Ukraine and also for ways we can help.
As people of faith, we pray to our Gods and Goddesses for Ukrainian and its people. We pray for peace, for strength, for courage, and for sovereignty.
As people of compassion, we look for ways to help those in danger and those displaced. The following organizations can help those in harm’s way:
Médecins sans frontiers/Doctors without borders
Voices of Children
Sunflower of Peace
International Committee of the Red Cross
Save the Children
UN Refugee Agency (UNHCR)
International Medical Corps
Please keep the people of Ukraine in your thoughts as we continue to work our altars and shrines. Please make offerings and pray for peace and safety.
In a global community, we are all neighbors.
The ADF Mother Grove